Mini Reunion: July 30 – August 1, 2021

Reunion Information

Directors: Candy Owens (304)914-8165
Registrar: Vern Foster (513) 608-7851
Dates: July 30 – August 1, 2021
Camp Schedule:

  • Friday, July 30 – 6:00pm arrival, set up, cabin assignments, snacks, campfire. No meal.
  • Saturday, July 31 – Three meals. Morning classes. CB Association Meeting 2:00pm. Inflatables 1:00-5:00pm. Evening worship, snacks, campfire.
  • Sunday, August 1 – Breakfast, cleanup, communion service. No lunch.

Registration & Payment

Registration Information: REGISTER HERE
Online Payment: No Cost

Mini-Reunion Details

* Please register as soon as possible by filling out the form at the link above. We need counts for meals, housing, classes, and volunteers. If you later learn you will be unable to attend, please notify the registrar immediately.

* Covid 19 is still a reality. While all participants age 12 and above are expected to be fully vaccinated, we will still practice distancing and make use of outdoor activities as much as possible.

* Masks are optional.

* Tables for meals will be assigned by family or cabin groups. Each table will be called up for service; there will be no lines in the dining hall.

* Tables will be set up in the lodge and in a tent adjacent to the lodge.

* We will try to assign only one family to a cabin. If we have more families than cabins, we will need to double up. If you want to share a cabin with a particular family, please indicate that on the registration form.

* Those coming only for the CB Association Meeting are invited to join in Saturday lunch.

* CB Association Meeting will be 2:00 at the shelter.

* The pool will NOT be open. We will have inflatables Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00pm. The water slide will be available for all ages.

* All classes will be outdoors. Please feel free to bring your own chairs.

* We will have no hired staff for the weekend and will rely on volunteers for food service, restroom cleaning, etc. Please sign up on the registration form to help.

* Anyone attending who is under 18 must be with their family or be sponsored by and stay with someone over the age of 21. Parental permission is required.

* The 4-plex may not be available. The Cincinnati congregation has made a generous donation to make one side completely handicap accessible. At this time we are unsure when construction will start or end.

* We have snack times scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights. You are invited to bring snacks to share with the larger group both nights. We don’t know if the canteen will be open and there are no soft drink machines in the lodge.

* No pets are allowed.